Gina Julian

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Gina Julian

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Nashville, Tennessee

Gina Julian is a hard-edge abstraction painter who seeks to explore energy and motion through the use of flat color. She has long been fascinated by the effects of color on the human psyche and enjoys exploring the emotions that can be evoked by varying colors according to hue, saturation and value. Her color palettes are often experimentations of how colors interact with each other, and how the perception of color can be altered based on its surroundings. Gina also uses color variations to suggest movement in her works, often giving the viewer multiple perspectives on the direction of her crisp lines. She classifies her work as Optical Art.

Gina was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. With over 20 years of art direction, publishing and web development experience under her belt, she now enjoys painting full-time from her studio in Nolensville, Tennessee. She has a love of interior design and wholeheartedly believes in the positive impact of living with art and experiencing it on a daily basis.

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