Jennifer Allevato

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Jennifer Allevato

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Alexandria, Virginia

Jennifer M. Allevato is a fine art painter. She works from a light-filled studio where she creates colorful post-impressionist inspired mixed media paintings, often visited by her two cats. Allevato’s art and design work have been shown in both the U.S. and abroad. She has had solo shows with The Strathmore in Bethesda, Maryland and The Art League in Alexandria, Virginia. Her artwork has been sold through Anthropologie and Serena & Lily, and has been featured on The Hallmark Channel, Apartment Therapy, HGTV Magazine, In Her Studio, and Real Simple. She lives in Alexandria, Virginia with her husband.

“I create captivating mixed media acrylic paintings that draw inspiration from post-impressionism. What sets my art apart is the unique creative process that becomes an integral part of the final masterpiece. I layer paint, graphite, and wax crayon to create a textured, dynamic composition that celebrates spontaneity and imperfection, allowing paint drips, brushstrokes, and pencil lines to play a prominent role. My work is a testament to the vibrant hues of nature and the power of memory, aiming to infuse the world with beauty and hope, preserving the essence of beautiful moments.

Even with nearly two decades of painting experience, I never seem to tire of the process. I get lost in the colors and brushstrokes, almost forgetting my hand exists as it reacts to the canvas. The movement of paint - the drips and washes and smears of color - are pure magic as they create shape and form before my eyes. I find beauty, love, romance, memories, and dreams in those colors. Every painting is a journal entry - a hope, a memory, a portrait - in different form.”

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