Jose Romussi

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Jose Romussi

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Santiago, Chile

Jose was born in Chile, grew up traveling with his mother, watching her painting and teaching art around Chile. On 2010 he decided to become an artist. His school were his friends. He was living in New York when he started doing collage. Now he is based in Berlin, but travels all the time finding new ways and techniques to develop his art.

Jose Romussi proposes a creative exercise based on experimentation with materials related to textile art, so we can appreciate a delicate and subtle but not for that aberrant and enigmatic proposal. Jose succeeded in completing a rebellious, generational and contemporary discourse, a reflection in tension with the atavistic and the ornamental, its manufacture gives way to an unstructured and free embroidery, emphasize the use of organic materials that make up an imperfect and expressionist geometric composition, on a support whose reverted origin, manages to high a poetic image in constant mobility and significance.

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