Sarah Schwartz

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Sarah Schwartz

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Van Nuys, California

Sarah J. Schwartz drew from her architecture and product design background as she rekindled her love of abstract art during the pandemic.

Schwartz navigates deliberate choices and curious moments by utilizing mixed media and found objects. She challenges traditional painting norms by repurposing unconventional supports like vintage frames, wooden trays, and even worn skateboards.

Informed by her training in design, she explores duality within her work, holding certain conversations in contrasts: textured and smooth, neutral and colorful, traditional and contemporary. Oftentimes, her pieces become a reflection of the process of art-making itself.

She holds a B.Arch from Cornell University and has been making swift moves in Los Angeles since 2021. Her work has been showcased at The Mondrian Hotel, The Other Art Fair, 7811 Gallery, and the Beverly Hills Art Show. She is also a product designer at Apple.

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